As the header states this blog is about diet home decorating and no, this is not a form of interior decorating that helps you lose weight (even though we all know that there are 'fat' and 'skinny' mirrors!). Diet decorating is about spending less and still getting great style, but remember cheap does not always mean chic!
The sunburst mirror is a design element that is very popular right now. I am a huge fan of this mirror because it can work with any type of decor and adds a touch of glamour, but doesn't overpower. There are some fabulous ones out there, many WAY out of my price range!
These range from $300 - $500.


I REALLY wanted one of these mirrors to put in my bedroom over my new headboard, but placed it on my mental wish list due to the high prices I found. However, little did I realize, I had one sitting in my home already! For a while I had a sunburst/sunflower mirror I bought from Pier 1 ($40) that was placed over my mantel, but was never excited about the finish; however, I was content with it, so there it sat....until...I stumbled upon this mirror revamp project from the blog, High Street Market! So of course I took the mirror down and headed to Michael's craft store to get the's how it went down:
The faux antique finish...
Folk Art craft paint: Metallic Champagne
Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic Pain: Gold
- Mixed equal parts of both paints and applied 2 coats to the mirror.
THE AFTER....ooooh...ahhhhh....
Loved how it turned out and really works well in my bedroom!
(Who knew Wal-Mart was so chic?)
These were all found at and ranged from $109.80 - $354.60
(walk in to buy 1 thing, always come out with more!)
Found this mirror (left) today for $49.99 and with a coat of gold paint - gorgeous!
The mirror on the right is made of wood and was on eBay for $360!
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